How one couple saved $1 million in 4 years and retired by age 43

How one couple saved $1 million in 4 years and retired by age 43

I personally believe only minority of people can do it because:

1. People won’t track their expense and cut their spending. Instead, people like to work harder to buy more shit they don’t need with the money they don’t have to impress people they don’t like.

2. People don’t know how to figure out how much money they need to retire comfortably. How could they figure out how much they need if they don’t track their expense. It is like sailing in the ocean without the compass.

3. People won’t downside their house to reduce their mortgagee. They like to work harder to buy bigger house with more space to store the stuff / shit they hardly use with the bigger mortgagee. Furthermore, majority people cannot move to low cost area because there is not many job opportunity there. They need to live where closed to CBD and obviously, they are very expensive area to live.

4. Majority people don’t know how to create a second income stream. Their only income is from the job. They like to spend their spare time watching TV / Youtube at night instead of creating second income, such as online business, affiliation marketing (blog & youtube) or find the investment deals (property or share).

5. Last but not least, people won’t change their mindset unless destiny comes!!! It is very difficult for people to understand we don’t “need” so much stuff / shit to feel happy. Majority people simply want a lot of stuff / shits to feel happy. Therefore, they require pretty high amount of retirement funding to achieve so called “retire comfortable”.

Don’t get fool by this article (I reckon it is a great article) but you should know who you are and go back to work.
