What is the benefit to eat organic food

What is the benefit to eat organic food?

I have started to eat organic food for a couple of months and there are a couple of reasons I decide to eat organic food are follows:

Organic produce contains fewer pesticides.

Organic food is often fresher because it doesn’t contain preservatives that make it last longer

Organic farming is better for the environment by reducing pollution, conserve water, reduce soil erosion, increase soil fertility, and use less energy.

Organically raised animals are NOT given antibiotics, growth hormones, or fed animal byproducts.
Organic meat and milk are richer in certain nutrients.

Organic food is GMO-free.

But there are one more benefit I would like to share is: you are most likely to lose weight!
How come you ask?

Organic food is way much expensive than your regular food (70-120% more expense!)

That is one of biggest reason people don’t want to buy organic food.

But here is how I stick with my weekly budget:

Cut off non nutrition (but taste good) grocery, such as soft drinks, ice cream, biscuit and any potential excessive stocks.

By doing so, you not only avoid buy shitty food (taste good but harmful to your body) but also stop wasting so much food.

Majority people shop way too much what they need because they think food is on discount and it is cheap but turns out around 30% of food are never consumed but throw into the bin.

You will eat less (less calories) with higher nutrition and you don’t need to do much extra exercise and your body will react automatically and lose weight gradually.

Eventually, your experience and knowledge will form your belief.

Your belief leads to your ultimate behavior.
