Financial success requires good luck, indeed. Unsuccessful people believe that those who are wealthy and successful are just the beneficiaries of random good luck. The reality is, successful people create their own unique type of good luck.
They do certain things every day that move them forward in life and create the opportunity for luck to occur.
There are four types of good luck:
1. Random good luck
2. Random bad luck
3. Opportunity luck
4. Detrimental luck
The good luck created by the wealthy is known as opportunity luck. Opportunity luck is byproduct of doing certain things every day. Creating good luck requires having rich habits. The rich habits are responsible for financial success.
They do certain things every day that move them forward in life and create the opportunity for luck to occur.
There are four types of good luck:
1. Random good luck
2. Random bad luck
3. Opportunity luck
4. Detrimental luck
The good luck created by the wealthy is known as opportunity luck. Opportunity luck is byproduct of doing certain things every day. Creating good luck requires having rich habits. The rich habits are responsible for financial success.
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