Money is the root of evil? Money changes who you are? Money causes conflict?
That is not correct. I don’t believe money is the root of evil. Instead, for the love of money is the root of evil.
In other words, money itself is not root of evil. Loving money too much is root of evil. Greed it is root of evil. Money is just a tool. People choose the tools to benefit the society or damage your own interpersonal relationship. We just need to learn how to use this tool wisely.
Money doesn’t fundamentally change you. Money just amplifies who you are. If you are jerk already, with more money, it simply turns you into big asshole. On the other hand, if you are genuine nice person, with more money, you are most likely become philanthropist. If you are material high spending princess, with more money, it just amplifies the tenancy you already have.
Money causes conflict? A lot of children see their parents fight for money and they believe money cause the conflict. Money is actually representation of value and priorities. Because it is limited, you need to make the decision and trade-offs, around how you spend it. So argument of money is actually argument about value.
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