How do you define success and happiness?

If I ask you who is the most successful person in your mind? Please write it down. Then, I ask you who is the happiest person in your mind? Please write it down, would it be the same person?

I guess the chance is slim. The reason is we define success and happiness very differently.

It is very counter-intuitive because we always assume the way to be happy is to be successful.

The problem is people usually define successful by material things. The successful person tells people how they’d like to slow down and live a different life but they cannot. Particular for men, I hardly believe their reason. For example, the father tells me he wish you had more time to coach his kid’s soccer team but he doesn’t have time for it because he just bought a luxury car that requires working overtime to make the payments.

Father works so hard so long in order to afford a luxury house in the top prime suburb so that he won’t have any time for his children.

I understand and agree on this if men said I do this for my own goal and career path, please don’t tell someone you do this for family happiness. They focused on visible success and skipped over the happiness part. People were surprised to discover that after all their hard work, and despite all the possessions they’d accumulated, they weren’t always happy with the outcome.

And how we define the happiness? It is more about mentally, their relationships and the things they do, not because of what they have.

Why there is such big gap between success and happiness? The answer I have figured out a few years ago: the greater happiness we feel when we’re living an experience versus buying a possession.
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